Nurture the body.

Organic Açaí Bows

A refreshing and nutritious treat made from frozen Açaí berries blended into a smooth and creamy texture.



Hot or cold, sweet or unsweetened, or with a touch of liquid fun. We have something for everyone.


We are your local Coffee Shop

Welcome to Kay Rico Coffee in Hollywood, Florida, where a delightful culinary experience awaits you. Indulge in the artistry of air roasted coffee drinks, heavenly pizzas, and a delectable array of dishes that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more.

At Kay Rico Coffee, we believe that the perfect cup of coffee starts with the finest beans and a meticulous roasting process. Our air roasted coffee drinks are a testament to our dedication to quality and flavor. With a unique roasting technique that uses hot air instead of direct contact with flames, we bring out the true essence of the coffee beans, resulting in a rich, smooth, and aromatic cup of Joe that will awaken your senses.

Air Roasted Coffee

Savor the rich taste of expertly roasted coffee.

At Kay Rico Coffee, we take pride in our original air roasting process that brings out the maximum flavor in our imported beans. Our skilled baristas use this technique to craft the perfect cup of coffee for you to savor and enjoy. Indulge in the taste of expertly roasted coffee that will leave your taste buds craving for more.

Popular Drinks

Visit us today and experience the task of our delicious drinks

Cafe Bombon at Kay Rico Coffee in Hollywood

Cafe Bombon

Enjoy a sweet and delicious Café Bombon to satisfy that sweet tooth. Our Café Bombon is a thick espresso drink made with a double shot of our signature Espresso, Condensed Milk, and 2 teaspoons of Cocoa Powder. It’s a dessert in a cup.

Trippy "Fun-Guy" Smoothie

Get ready for a wild ride with our Trippy Fun-Guy Smoothie! Made with almond milk, DIRT powder (mushroom blend), espresso coffee, bananas, and coconut flakes, this drink is a delightful adventure for your taste buds. Enjoy the immune-boosting and stress-reducing benefits of DIRT powder with a jolt of caffeine from espresso.

Oreo™ Frappe at Kay Rico Coffee

Oreo™ Frappe

A sweet treat cold drink made with our famous Cold Brew, milk, soft serve vanilla mix, dark chocolate syrup blended with ice and a bunch of the world-famous Oreo cookies. Truly a fan favorite.